A Lead Generation Strategy Using Content, Search, and Social Media

No matter what kind of business you are in. Whether it is a B2B, or you are selling your products and services to B2C, lead generation is the most basic and crucial part of every business. This is because it gives an opportunity to convert prospects into customers. Therefore, the stronger your lead generation strategy is, the more potential customers you will have for your business. For continuous growth and development, you need to have a fresh and relevant strategy for generating leads. The process can be time-consuming and challenging, but it is something too big to be ignored.  

With 3.6 billion people using social media worldwide, this can be a valuable place for you to generate leads. However, the matter is about using the right tactics at the right time that will get you the desired results from different platforms on social media. As people and businesses are becoming more aware of the digital world, there are now plenty of tools and ideas that can help generate leads and make the entire process smoother.  

Why is a Lead Generation strategy important? 

To succeed in any form of business, it is crucial to generate leads. Without developing leads you will lack the necessary sales and customer base that is required to survive in the long run. Customers have unpredictable behaviour and can’t be trusted, as their instinct can drive them to any market. Therefore, it becomes important to have certain strategies to attract the customers your business wishes to have.  
If there is no proper strategy, the business will always be unsure about what kind of audience it wants. Without this, it is difficult to generate leads for any form of business.  
Lead generation is important to: 

  • Ensure expansion & growth of the market  
  • Boost revenue  
  • Generate new business opportunities  


  • Build awareness of brand and its visibility 

The best ideas to generate leads through content, search and social media   

Turning website traffic successfully to customers is the biggest success for any kind of business. Lead generation, when done correctly, can make you reach this milestone as it is critical for the success of the business. No matter how good your products and services are, without effective lead generation all your efforts can go in vain.  

Let’s now get into effective ideas to create lead generation for your business: 

Give special offers and create targeted ads 

A highly effective strategy to generate successful ads is paid social media advertising. It provides you with highly tailored targeting options to showcase what you have to offer to the customers. Products and services are made available to them as per their interest and a strong customer base is created. You can try to promote the content on specific subject matters, provide limited offers, and give special discounts for better results.  

Launch compelling and interactive leads 

Compel people in a way that they feel free to share their information with you. Focus less on what you have to offer and more on what people and the market want. Create offers that people can’t say no to. This can be in any form, from a free tool to a research report. Other ways are to offer discount codes, webinars, case studies, and much more.  

Give social proof in the form of testimonials  

To acquire new leads, you can also share customer stories, reviews, and testimonials. This will help to gain the trust of the audience. When you showcase how people have benefitted from your product and services, it demonstrates your brand value and increases the goodwill of your business.  

Give a boost to social media advertising with lead generation ads 

Social media advertising will take your lead generation journey one step further. In these ads there are pre-populated forms that help with easy signing up and too much time is not spent on entering personal information. This speeds up your lead generation process and increases the chances of conversion. Different types of lead-generation ads are available for all kinds of social media. Be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other social media platform.  

Set up retargeting ads to increase the chances of conversion  

After you are done with targeting customers, you can’t just sit back and wait for their reply. Retargeting strategy can further amplify the chances to generate relevant leads and can even bring back lost leads on your way. There can be a possibility that someone scrolled through your first page but forgot to submit it for some reason. Retargeting will give them a chance to fill in the form and it will increase the chances of getting more customers. 

Use social media sponsorships 

Apart from using social media ads, you can also use social media sponsorships to target the audience through the content they are already consuming. You can sponsor news, YouTube videos, written content, or in any other form that is trending among the audience. You can also get yourself a content creator to talk about the brand, even for a couple of minutes. This will increase the chances of engagement.  

Host virtual events  

One way to establish your authority and expertise in the field of digital marketing is to come forward and host virtual conferences and events. It is a way to attract a highly relevant audience by presenting yourself in a way you want to be recognized. Also, people will need to provide their details while signing up which can be later used to pitch them through messages and calls. The topic of the conference should be such that it intrigues the target audience and fills them with curiosity for the further process. Make sure it relates to the brand’s area of expertise.  

Discussions on trending industry topics, inviting famous influencers from your area of concern, provide useful tips to increase the relevance of your conference.  

Make use of social listening  

Don’t just focus on posting your opinions and giving information about who you are and what you are here for. Lead generation opportunities may also come to you in the form of social listening. Monitor different conversations on social media and see what they are revolving around. Keep an eye on what people are saying about certain brands and specifically about your competitors. In this way, you will automatically get to know about the opportunities and threats the market has to offer.  

Develop a proactive approach and make sure you are there to offer recommendations to people looking for suggestions. Step in to address the concern and come up with a relevant solution for the same. 

It can be concluded that lead generation strategy using content, search, and social media is all about implementing strategic marketing tactics that are designed to capture qualified leads and pull them towards purchasing the product or service. It also helps businesses recognize who is interested in them and what kind of audience they should target.  

Since attracting new customers and sales opportunities with proper lead generation is challenging, one must be prepared with the right tools and strategies to go far in the game of social media marketing. And if you want an expert to guide you through the process, Unify Wizards can help you with valuable lead generation and digital marketing tactics.

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